372 Rules

Writing rules from the pages we’ll never get back—vote on their worth!

Show, don't tell

Instead of saying 'Joe was mad,' show Joe being mad: 'Joe threw an ashtray through the window and howled in rage.'

Examples of the Problem

Podcast: Episode 1 – A Miniseries About a Housecoat at 7:45

And then he says 'afterwards, everyone said it was the greatest fight they'd ever seen' which doesn't really do much for the reader

Book: Ready Player One, Page 142

“Afterwards, everyone said it was the greatest fight they’d ever seen.”


Podcast: Episode 2 – A List and a Lich at 12:30

Here, Cline tells us 'Wade felt invincible'—and it works because we’re already in his head

Book: Ready Player One, Page 200

“Wade felt invincible as he logged into the OASIS.”

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